Saturday, April 30, 2011

party like a f***ing rcokstar

lol so yesterday i got stoned it was fucking harlaryous special since i cont remember much all i can really remember is the everting was in like 3d and i couldnt tell when i was awake or dreaming cuz everything felt lik a dream it was so funny. but theres like only one downside to me getting stoned... i cant remeber shit. not just from last night but from like a week ago i dont even know the last time i got layed. i cant even rember going to school its so fucking trippy! so ya i paartyed like a rock star like twice this week and niw i cant remeber shit but i do remeber that i promised my bf id stop smokeing... look how that turned out. im probibly the last person you should belive when i say "im gonna stop doing drugs" cuz i cant help it when the oprotunity shows itself i have to take it. im one of those ppl who dont take things for granted when somethings there and i want it ill tke it and when i want something i get it wheather you like it or not lol

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